Zevachim 43 - Only Permitted Matter Can Become Rejected
A "permitter" is that step in the sacrificial service that allows the sacrifice to be eaten. The permitter itself can never become rejected, only the permitted part of the sacrifice can.
For example, if the Kohen, while receiving the blood, intends to eat the meat of the sacrifice beyond the allotted time, the meat becomes rejected right away, and whoever eats it, deserves to be cut off from the people. The blood itself, however, does not become rejected.
Other permitters that do not become rejected include the handful of flour separated by the Kohen from the flour offering, and its frankincense. The flour offering of a Kohen is never rejected because it is completely burned and has no permitter. The same is true for the flour offering of the High Priest, which is brought daily, half in the morning and half in the evening.
But, how can this rule even work for a flour offering that is completely burnt? If it has no permitter, when can the Kohen have the wrong intention? - While carrying the offering to the Altar.
Art: Max Liebermann - Interior of a flour mill in Florence
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