Yoma 44 - The slaughter of the High Priest's bull

The High Priest makes two confessions on the bull that he had bought with his own money: the first on himself and his house (wife), the second - for his brothers the Kohanim. This is logical, for when he asks for forgiveness for others, he should already have achieved one for himself.

Now he comes to slaughter this bull. Just as with the previous morning sacrifice, he makes only the initial, most essential cut and lets another Kohen complete it. This is because he also needs to receive the blood - the second of the four sacrificial services, which are all to be done by him - and for this, he needs to be in front of the bull. He leaves that blood in a vessel with another Kohen, who stands on the paving stone outside the Sanctuary and stirs it so that it does not congeal while he proceeds with the incense service. He takes the shovel, goes up the Altar, scoops the innermost coals, and places them in the shovel. Then he places the shovel on another paving stone in the Courtyard and directs himself to bring the handful of incense.

Art: Bull by John Glover

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