Temurah 7 - Five Prohibitions To Bring A Blemished Sacrifice
In analyzing the question whether one can effectively perform acts forbidden by the Torah, the Talmud used the case of sanctifying a blemished sacrifice (in its tenth challenge), and Rava had to explain how this sanctification at all takes effect. Now the Talmud proves that which it previously took for granted.
The Torah said, "A sacrifice with a blemish you shall not offer". Since the prohibition to slaughter was already stated before, this "you shall not offer" must mean, "you shall not consecrate." From here we see that one who consecrates a blemished animal and burns this sacrifice on the Altar, transgresses fives times: "do not consecrate," "do not slaughter," "do not throw the blood," "do not burn all of it," and "do not burn part of it." Rabbi Yose son of Rabbi Yehudah adds one more for receiving its blood.
What is the source of the opinion of Rabbi Yose? The Torah said, "Any sacrifice which is blemished you shall not offer... any whose testicles are crushed... you shall not offer... from the hand of a stranger you shall not offer." The third "you shall not offer" is extra and applies to another law - receiving the blood. And the first teacher, why doesn't he agree? - He says that this is the normal language of the Torah, and nothing is to be derived from it.
Art: Albrecht Durer - Portrait of a stranger
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