The conclusion, however, is that the eighth day is an independent Holiday, for six reasons, abbreviated as "Pezer Keshev."
P (payis) - lottery. During the previous seven days, the priests had a rotation system to allow every priest to bring a bull sacrifice - because the sacrifices were numerous. On day number eight, they would return to drawing lots for the right to perform the sacrifice.
Z (zman) - time. A new time blessing, "Thank you for allowing us to live to this time," was said.
R (regel) - festival. It is a different festival when one does not dwell in a sukkah.
K (korban) - sacrifice. The sacrifices for this day were different from Sukkot and fewer in number.
Sh (shirah) - song. The Levites sang a different song.
V (brachah) - blessing. The Holiday is mentioned by a different name in the prayers. Some say this refers to a special blessing for the king that the people said to commemorate King Solomon, whom the people blessed on the eighth day of the First Temple.
Art: The Queen of Sheba Meeting with Solomon by Piero della Francesca