Sanhedrin 44 - Achan and Joshua

When Joshua inquired why Israel was defeated at the hands of Ai, God replied, "Israel has sinned" - they have taken the items from the ban. Joshua then said, "Master of the Universe, who is the individual who has sinned?" God replied, "Am I your talebearer? Go cast lots!"
The lot fell on Achan. Achan, however, told Joshua, "A lot is no proof! It had to fall on somebody." "Please," begged Joshua, "acknowledge your guilt, and you will be spared. In the future, Israel is to be divided by casting lots. Please don't cast aspersions on it now." Achan confessed and was executed.
Joshua then hurled the booty in front of God and told him, "Because of this transgression, the great person, Yair ben Menasheh, who is comparable to the greater part of the Sanhedrin, had to die?" God told Joshua, "Your transgression is even worse. At night, when not fighting, you should not have neglected the Torah study." The next night, Joshua corrected this.
Art: A Philosopher in His Study by Abraham van der Hecke
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