Sanhedrin 23 - Selecting Judges for Monetary Cases

Monetary cases are judged by a court of three judges. This includes cases of disputed loans, theft, bodily injury, and monetary damage.

If the defendant is unwilling to come to trial, any court of three can impose its authority. Moreover, if the defendant resides in a city with an established official court, he cannot choose a new court for judgment. However, if he is willing to be judged but does not agree to the suggested court because it is either too far or is not qualified, they can use the following procedure:

Rabbi Meir says that one litigant selects a judge, the other selects a judge, and both litigants select one more judge. However, the Sages say, "The two judges selected by the litigants select a third one." The judge chosen by each litigant will ensure that his position is clearly represented.

Art: Old woman examining a coin by 
Gerrit van Honthorst 

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