Pesachim 55 - Working or not on the eve of Passover

The day before Passover is the 14th of the month of Nissan. In the late afternoon of this day, the Israelis used to bring the Passover lamb sacrifice in the Temple. And since the day of bringing a sacrifice is a personal holiday, the 14th of Nissan would acquire a Holiday character when work is not done. How much of a Holiday it was depended on who you ask.

Rabbi Meir said that a job started before the 14th day could be completed on the 14th. But the Sages say that this permission applies only to the following three crafts: tailors, barbers, and launderers. Why these? Tailors - because even during the seven days of Passover, sewing will be allowed if done non-professionally. Barbers and launderers - because even during the Holidays, people who just returned from an overseas journey or who just got out of prison would be allowed to be cut their hair and launder their clothes.

Today, in the absence of the Passover sacrifice, these limitations are largely removed, although it is still recommended to spend the 14th preparing for the Passover holiday.

Art: Chardin. The Laundress. 1733

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