Pesachim 4 - Why search for chametz so early?
Now that all agree that the "light" of the search for chametz means night, it is fair to ask, why must it be done so early? Even if we are rushing to do a mitzvah, we don't find anywhere that it should happen the night prior. Since chametz will be prohibited only from the middle of the next day, we could require the search to be done early in the morning.
Rav Nachman answered that there are two reasons: first, people are usually at home at this time, so albeit a little early, but guaranteed that all will take part. Also, we really want to use a candle, and the night is best for that.
If one rents a house around the fourteenth, who is supposed to search the house for chametz, the renter (because it's his house), or the house owner (because it's his chametz)? For the mezuzah, it is the renter's obligation. However, that is because mezuzah is for the one who lives in the house, not for the house itself. For chametz, this is exactly our question - is it for the person or for the house? Again, Rav Nachman quoted a rule that resolves this: if the renter got the keys before the evening of the fourteenth, it's his obligation, and if later - it's the owner's obligation.
The Talmud also considers the situation where the renter assumed the house to be checked and found that it wasn't - can he ask for his money back? (Spoiler: no money back! The person should be happy to do the mitzvah of searching for chametz or even pay someone to do it).
Art: The Keys by Edmund Blair Blair Leighton 1853 - 1922
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