Pesachim 2 - "Light" of the fourteenth of Nissan

On the fifteenth day of the month of Nissan, Jews celebrate Passover and don't eat or keep anything leavened, or "chametz." Therefore on a day before, as a preparation, one should search for chametz and destroy it. When? - When it becomes "light" of the fourteenth, "ore" in Hebrew.

What does the teacher mean by the word "ore?" Rav Huna said that it means literally light, and Rav Yehudah said that it means night. Initially, the Talmud understands that Rav Huna means it to be really in the morning, and one should search for chametz then. Why would one use a candle in the morning? - it's the early hours, and a candle can help. By contrast, Rav Yehudah really means searching at night, as soon as it becomes dark.

Can we clarify the meaning of the word "ore" or "light?" For example, in the phrase "And God called the light ("ore") day," it seems very clear that "ore" is the day. However, you can read it differently: God called to the light and told the light to serve the day's needs, but these are not the same.

In the end, the Talmud cannot conclusively prove from the Torah alone that "light" and "day" are the same. However, the way God explained the rules to Moses, chametz is indeed searched for at night. It's just that some people call night "night," while others call night "light," as a euphemism, or refined speech, trying to avoid any connotation of darkness.

Art: Saturday Night, On The Clyde At Glasgow by John Atkinson Grimshaw 1836 - 1893

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