Some say that the Kiddush must be in the same place where the meal will be, or else it is not a Kiddush at all. If so, what is the purpose of the Kiddush in the synagogue? - Sometimes, there will be guests in the synagogue who will stay and eat there, and it is for them.
We see, therefore, that a place plays an important role. Abaye has a story to confirm this. When he was a student in the academy of Rabbah, and Rabbah would say a Kiddush for everyone - the students wanted to leave and go to their homes. Rabbah would tell them, "Please eat something! - Lest, your lamp will be extinguished, and you will not make a Kiddush at home." Rabbah's Kiddush did not count for them - because Kiddush must be in the same place where the Shabbat meal will be held.
Art: Dinner table at night by John Singer Sargent