Menachot 7 - Can One Do Flour Service on the Ground?

It once happened that Avimi was studying the laws of flour offerings at the academy of Rav Chisda...

But Avimi was the teacher, not the student of Rav Chisda! - Yes, he was the teacher, but he forgot the laws of flour offerings and had to go to the academy of his student to learn them again. - But he could have called Rav Chisda to himself?! - Avimi thought that by taking the trouble of going and by suffering the additional humiliation of learning from his student, he will remember it better.

Resuming the narrative, Rav Nachman met Avimi and asked him, "How does one do kemitzah, separation of a handful of flour?" Avimi answered, "Like from this vessel," pointing to the vessel on the ground. "Even on the ground?" - asked Rav Nachman. Avimi said, "No, I meant that another Kohen holds the vessel up." "Then you need three Kohanim, one to hold the vessel, one to separate the handful, and one more to receive the handful into another vessel," - said Rav Nachman. "Yes, even thirteen, if need be," - answered Avimi.

Art: Jean Baptiste Greuze - A Student 1757

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