Menachot 69 - Barley Permits for People, Wheat - for the Temple

The barley offering (Omer) permitted new grain for consumption by people, but in the Temple the new grain was not used until they brought the two loaves of wheat on Shavuot. Nevertheless, since new grain was already permitted to people, if they brought it in the Temple before Shavuot, the offering was valid.

Rava bar Rav Chanan asked a question, what is the status of the grain that was planted? If one decides to take it out and eat, is it new crop and does it need the Omer offering first? Additionally, is it a movable property which is subject to the law of overcharge, or is it like land, not subject to the law of overcharge?

Rami bar Chama asked a question, if an elephant swallowed palm fiber which emerged intact from its digestive tract, and someone made them into a basket, is the fiber considered digested and therefore the basket is immune to ritual impurity? Consider the case of wolves who swallowed two infants in Transjordan, and then excreted them whole, and the Sages declared the meat digested and therefore pure! - No, it is not the same, the meat is softer than fiber. But the bones the Sages declared impure! - No proof, since the bones are harder. Thus, no answer.

Art: Winslow Homer - Woman and Elephant

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