Menachot 107 - Just a Donation to the Temple

If one promises to bring wood for the Altar, he must bring no less than two logs. As we learned before, Rabbi Yehudah the Prince consider the logs themselves to be sacrifices, with all the accoutrements. If he promises to bring frankincense, he brings at least a handful. If he promises gold, he brings a dinar, if silver - he brings a silver dinar, but if he specified how much he promised but cannot recall the amount, then he must bring enough metal until he can honestly say, "That much I could never have intended to bring."

If he promised wine, he must bring no less than three measures called "log," or about one-and-a-half liter, because this was the smallest amount brought with any of the sacrifices, that is, with a lamb. If he specified the amount but does not recall it now, he brings as much as was required by the largest sacrifice.

Art: Jan de Beer - The Wine Taster

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