Eruvin 52 - His friend turned him back

If one set out on a Friday afternoon, to go to a nearby city and make his Shabbat residence over there - but his friend convinced him not to go, saying that it was either too hot or too cold, and he returned back home - nevertheless, he is allowed to go the city of his destination, but all other residents of his city are prohibited from going there.

Why? What is the difference between him and his neighbors? They did not reach the other city to establish the residence over there - but he did not either! Rav Huna explained. We are talking about someone who has houses in both cities, so potentially he can decide to reside in this other city ofnShabbat. So, when he started on the road, without food, he has the status of a poor. Therefore, his verbal declaration of residence in sufficient - this is a leniency reserved only for the poor, and actual going there is not required. However, his neighbors who stayed at home, they do have bread at home, and are considered rich. And rich people are not allowed to designate their residence by verbal declaration alone, they need to put bread in this new place. This is why he is the only person who is allowed to go there.

Art: Thomas Keyse Gloucester - A still life with bread, cheese, a pie

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