Chagigah 5 - When God cries

The phrase "I will certainly hide My face on that day" can be understood to mean that God will still help by hinting of impending troubles in a dream at night, which will lead to prayer and actions. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chanania was often in Caesar's palace, and once, someone from the entourage signaled to him, "You are a nation whose Master turned His face away from." Rabbi Yehoshua signaled him back, "His hand is yet outstretched to protect us." Caesar asked, "What are these signals?" and Rabbi Yehoshua explained both what the man said and what he replied. Caesar then asked the man, and he said that he could not understand the reply. They Caesar said, "A man who does not understand signs, should he use them in the presence of the king?" and they executed him.

The phrase "And if you don't heed this, My spirit will cry in hidden chambers, because of your haughtiness" can be understood to mean that God cries because the exaltedness of Israel was removed, and some say because the exaltedness of God was removed. But is there crying before God? - Yes, in the inner chambers, and because of the Temple's destruction.

Rabbi Yehudah the Prince was once reading Lamentations, and the book fell from his hand into a bottomless pit. He commented on this phrase from Lamentation, "He cast down from Heaven to earth the glory of Israel," - and not only God lowered the glory of Israel to earth, but there - to the deepest places. The same Rabbi Yehudah, with his nephew Rabbi Chiya, once visited a town. They asked if there lived a Sage in town, and the people answered, "Yes, but he is blind." Rabbi Chiya wanted to go alone, saying that it did not fit Rabbi Yehudah the Prince, but Rabbi Yehudah insisted on greeting the Sage. At the end of the visit, the Sage said, "You visited one who is seen but cannot see. Therefore, may you merit to pay respect to the One Who sees but is not seen." Rabbi Yehudah commented, "Had I not come with you, I would not get this blessing."

Art: Julius Caesar By Peter Paul Rubens

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