Bechorot 2 - The Laws of a Firstborn Donkey
Bechorot 3 - Selling an Animal to a Non-Jew
Bechorot 4 - How Firstborn Lost Their Position
Bechorot 5 - Were Firstborn Sanctified in the Desert?
Bechorot 6 - Mutants
Bechorot 7 - Why Is Milk Kosher?
Bechorot 8 - The Gestation of a Snake
Bechorot 9 - A Case of Uncertain Firstborn Donkey
Bechorot 10 - If The Firstborn Donkey Is Not Redeemed...
Bechorot 11 - How Much for a Firstborn Donkey?
Bechorot 12 - What is Not Good for Redeeming a Firstborn Donkey
Bechorot 13 - Firstborn of a Kosher Animal
Bechorot 14 - Consecrating Animals with a Blemish
Bechorot 15 - If a Consecrated Animal Became Blemished
Bechorot 16 - Saving Offspring of Redeemed Animals
Bechorot 17 - How Many Generations of Firstborn Exemptions?
Bechorot 18 - Is It Possible To Be Exact?
Bechorot 19 - What Is Considered A Firstborn?
Bechorot 20 - Did This Animal Have Its Firstborn Yet?
Bechorot 21 - A Goat With Three Daughters
Bechorot 22 - Buying an Animal from a Jew
Bechorot 23 - Dormant Impurity Wakes Up
Bechorot 24 - Does an Animal Nurse Only Its Own Child?
Bechorot 25 - Shearing a Firstborn
Bechorot 26 - Caring for the Firstborn
Bechorot 27 - Kohen Helping on the Threshing Floor
Bechorot 28 - When Must the Firstborn Animal Be Eaten?
Bechorot 29 - Responsibilities of an Expert
Bechorot 30 - People Who Are Untrustworthy
Bechorot 31 - Selling the Meat of a Firstborn Animal
Bechorot 32 - The Sages are Alive After Death
Bechorot 33 - Whom Can a Kohen Invite to Eat a Firstborn Animal?
Bechorot 34 - Blemish Caused on Purpose
Bechorot 35 - Unwitting Intentional Blemishes
Bechorot 36 - Who Can Be Believed About a Blemish
Bechorot 37 - Blemished Firstborn Animals Nowadays
Bechorot 38 - Eye Blemishes of Firstborn Animals
Bechorot 39 - Eye Exam for Firstborn Animals
Bechorot 40 - Blemishes of the Tail, Testicles, and Feet
Bechorot 41 - Blemishes Not Severe Enough
Bechorot 42 - Undefined Gender, According to Rav Chisda
Bechorot 43 - Blemished that Disqualify a Kohen
Bechorot 44 - Three Groups of Blemishes in a Kohen
Bechorot 45 - Blemishes of Legs and Hands of a Kohen
Bechorot 46 - Firstborn For Inheritance But Not for Kohen
Bechorot 47 - How Does One Recognize a Face?
Bechorot 48 - Firstborn Both for Inheritance and the Kohen
Bechorot 49 - Cases of Firstborn Mix-ups and Deaths
Bechorot 50 - Shekel, Selah, and Other Currencies
Bechorot 51 - Firstborn Redemption with Real Estate
Bechorot 52 - Firstborn Gets Double
Bechorot 53 - Animal Tithe Today
Bechorot 54 - Animal Title by Species and by Year
Bechorot 55 - Jordan and Other Rivers
Bechorot 56 - Tithes for Animals Bought or Exchanged for Services
Bechorot 57 - Who is Obligated in Animal Tithe
Bechorot 58 - Three Dates for Animal Tithes
Bechorot 59 - Tithing Procedure
Bechorot 60 - Mistakes in Counting
Bechorot 61 - One's Agent Should Only Help